Flipping Book Partial Examples

Frontline Leadership Playbook

Hello and welcome

Everyone benefits from coaching. You may have

Coaching your team to be able to deliver great customer service will help you become an even better leader, will empower your team to be the best they can be, will save you time and will set you, your team and your business up for success. We have four stories to share from your peers on the value of workplace coaching for them and their teams.

received training on how to be a workplace coach. If you haven’t, don’t worry. We’ll step you through it. We’re investing in development for our leaders. Ignite is the name of our broader frontline leadership program, and the Making the Moment learning program forms a key pillar of your leadership development. We want to make sure our frontline leaders are ready with the skills that our teams will be looking to us for.

Click each person to read their story.

Wayne Phillips Base Manager, Perth & Adelaide

Veronique Johansson Customer Service Manager, Sydney

Sharon Groves Team Leader Contact Centre

For more information on ignite click here.

Suzanne Watkins Customer Experience Supervisor

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