Flipping Book Partial Examples
How to use this Playbook Being a good coach doesn’t mean hours of training; you can get started pretty quickly. In fact, you can make a start as soon as you want. You can use these pages however you like. Maybe read them in one sitting, pick them up when you have some spare time over the coming weeks, or work through them over coffee. That said, maybe the easiest way is to spend a few weeks on each chapter – a little bit of reading, some thinking time, then trying stuff out on the job, and returning for some reflection. You can access this guidance 24/7, reading it online or downloading it as PDF to take offline. Rather than wait for formal training to be ready, use it now when you spot an opportunity to coach a better service outcome for our customers. Think of this as your ‘ playbook ’. Have it up your sleeve, so you can coach your team in the moment.
The Playbook provides a unique set of skills we think you as a leader will find helpful. To help you navigate being a successful leader at Qantas here are the expectations to guide you: • Leading self – your own development • Leading others – coaching them for success • Leading your business – delivering great customer service. We bring these ideas together to deliver on our service vision, ‘Making the Moment’.
“… a bit of reading, some thinking time, trying stuff out on the job, returning for some reflection.”
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