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Contribute to a culture of innovation

The legal profession is changing and what has worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the near future. That is why we actively encourage our people to think about new ways we can meet the evolving needs of our clients.

By joining Maddocks, you will have the opportunity to help write the next chapter in our history. We are proud of our 135-year history – from that two-person firm starting out in Melbourne in 1885 to the independent Australian firm with more than 80 partners and 550 staff we are today. Be part of a proud history Did you know that Arthur James Johnson was just 21 years old when he joined forces with John Henry Maddocks to form the firm that we now know as Maddocks? Or that the Lonie and Chisholm families each had connections to the firm that lasted more than 80 years?

We use design thinking principles to put people and their experience at the centre of everything we do. We run regular Idea Generation workshops and challenges and have processes in place to continuously gather and experiment with innovative ideas.

Our innovation journey has taught us that great ideas can come from anywhere.

You will play a key role in helping Maddocks develop existing client relationships and begin new ones.

How will you contribute to improving what we do and how we do it?

Click here to find out more about our history .


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